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Top Age 18 February 2019

1Xiong, Jeffery (13648621)18TXUSA2747
2Sevian, Samuel (13493815)18MAUSA2729
3Sheng, Joshua (13974250)18CAUSA2583
4Hilby, Craig (13744720)18CAUSA2526
5Wheeler, Cameron (13473477)18CAUSA2475
6Tiglon, Bryce (14230627)18WAUSA2460
7Feng, Roland G (13631615)18WAUSA2456
8Ludwig, John Gabriel (13721287)18FLUSA2450
9Bian, Alex (13257335)18ILUSA2441
10Posthuma, Joshua (13856778)18MIUSA2403
11Banik, Siddharth G (14090052)18CAUSA2397
12Jirasek, Ladia (14196222)18CAUSA2395
13Li, Ethan (13539092)18NYUSA2346
14Feng, Maggie (14105448)18OHUSA2344
15He, Tommy (13354250)18TXUSA2332
16Sinha, Sahil (14307325)18MDUSA2331
17Chiang, Jonathan (13091096)18TXUSA2329
18Ghatti, Sanjay (14114902)18GAUSA2327
19Crump, Alexander J (13607663)18NYUSA2313
20Sowa, Ryan (13751622)18RIUSA2311
21Eswaran, Ashritha (14044705)18CAUSA2303
22Isakov, Michael Gregory (14109882)18MAUSA2279
23Carter, Emmanuel (13993951)18NCUSA2277
24Vasserman, Daniel (14419311)18NYUSA2272
25Haining, Kyle (13869267)18WAUSA2270
26Saleem, Arshaq (14163196)18IAUSA2268
27Diem, Thomas (14382934)18CAUSA2266
28Webster, Dex (13743486)18LAUSA2259
29Frenkel, Benjamin (14009658)18TXUSA2244
30Tanenbaum, Zachary (13616253)18CTUSA2241
31Zhou, Ziwen (13891365)18PAUSA2233
32Hernandez-Camen, Angel Jochi (14320958)18MAUSA2229
33Curcio, Jack Thomas (13451367)18ILUSA2204
34Capocyan, Sam Lander Cabrera (13797958)18TXUSA2200
35Khanna, Nalin Clement (13847911)18PAUSA2196
36Pinisetti, Prateek (14331922)18AZUSA2191
37Hoang, Truman (14234767)18FLUSA2187
38Miyasaka, Matthew Shoji (13941286)18NYUSA2181
39Bartochowski, Nicholas J (13216472)18ILUSA2178
40Truelson, Joseph (14688723)18WAUSA2176
41Moore, Alex Michael (14915254)18TXUSA2175
42Ulrich, Rachel J (13384485)18WIUSA2172
43Karp, Eli M (13703405)18LAUSA2166
44Pillai, Kadhir Andres (13344871)18NYUSA2160
=44Householder, Aaron (13487640)18CAUSA2160
46Lee, Gabriel Emilio, Jr (13770334)18FLUSA2158
47Bronfeyn, Daniel (13720325)18ILUSA2149
48Srivastava, Vikram (14058382)18OHUSA2141
49Nguyen, Anthony Quan (13942425)18TXUSA2140
50Srihari, Pranav (13600455)18CAUSA2137
51Draganoff, Daniel (15566245)18NJUSA2136
52Moazami, Amir (13361544)18NYUSA2134
53Changolkar, Srisa (14107932)18PAUSA2133
54Kim, Isaiah (15243610)18CAUSA2130
55Kobla, Vishal (14547128)18VAUSA2116
=55Cardenas, Nicholas (14697664)18CTUSA2116
57Handigol, Abhishek (14124611)18CAUSA2110
58Hoyos, Carlos D (14676301)18FLUSA2100
59Chen, Andy (13858335)18NJUSA2098
60Rajendra, Anupama Shashikala (14061227)18WIUSA2088
61Thangavel, Gokul (13749596)18IAUSA2078
62Wang, Grant (14731950)18CTUSA2075
63Floeder, David Patrick (14174216)18MNUSA2058
64Chen, Derek (14883880)18NYUSA2054
65Cao, Alvin (13885047)18VAUSA2051
66Wiseman, Camden Alton (13661814)18VAUSA2048
67Narayanan, Rishi T (13949428)18ILUSA2047
68Buyer, Michael Patrick (14748038)18AZUSA2046
69Jie, Tianhui (Cindy) (13945253)18FLUSA2039
70Lee, Preston (15029077)18GAUSA2037
71Zhang, Richard (14006780)18ILUSA2032
72Puckett, Devon Martin (14586577)18TNUSA2023
73Baliga, Zubin Mohandas (13744248)18MAUSA2021
=73Balyan, Vishal (14949503)18GAUSA2021
75Sharpe, Weston (13877665)18TNUSA2020
76Dahlgren, Seaver (13590882)18CAUSA2018
77Maheshwari, Varun (13924978)18NJUSA2012
78Beatrez, Patrick Leland (15395163)18OHUSA2011
79Nehete, Pratik (13761153)18MNUSA2008
80Bik, Russell (13536436)18CAUSA2000
81Prentice, Joseph Adelman (14022910)18NJUSA1998
82Hutton, Henry Cecil (15309350)18MNUSA1995
83Nardo, Angelo (13873718)18NYUSA1993
=83Reddy, Manu (14244173)18AZUSA1993
85Nguyen, Khoa Minh (13942060)18TXUSA1991
=85Premkumar, Hiren (14024001)18TXUSA1991
87Brusniak, Benjamin (14038593)18WAUSA1990
88Liu, Jackie (14268185)18FLUSA1973
89Cancio, Zak (13850020)18AZUSA1967
90Perkins, Josiah (13429275)18ORUSA1964
=90Fields, Noah Dennis (13474376)18WAUSA1964
92Veytsman, Isaac (13331188)18NYUSA1962
93Ivaschenko, Andrei (15693442)18TXUSA1958
94Eisenhauer, Stephen E (14390625)18GAUSA1954
95Kaufman, Liam (14883921)18NHUSA1951
96Wu, Andy Yang (13618642)18FLUSA1950
97Harris, Michael Curtis, Jr (15648403)18KYUSA1948
98Moturi, Soureesh (14004474)18PAUSA1946
99Lai, Jasen (13717976)18OHUSA1945
100Zlotchevsky, Nicole (13688407)18NYUSA1938
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
